clean massage chair

Best Practices for Cleaning, Maintenance and Care of Your Massage Chair

So you’ve committed to your overall health, well-being, and stress levels by purchasing a luxury massage chair recliner. In order to protect this long-term investment it is important to know how to properly care for it. Below we’ve outlined some of the best practices we’ve discovered to ensure the longevity of your purchase

Most high-end massage chairs come in two types of coverings – synthetic leather and leather. Almost all chairs have a knit trim that allows for fluid movement of the chair as the airbags inflate and deflate. All three materials require a different level of maintenance and care so please follow the instructions for your specific material in order to keep your chair in great condition for many years to come.

It is not recommended that these chairs be treated like traditional reclining chairs that may be found in your home. They aren’t cheap so they should be treated with care. Avoid eating and drinking while using the chair to reduce the possibility of an accident. However, accidents can happen and a special cleaning may be necessary.

If you are dealing with an area that needs immediate cleaning, see if the upholstery is removable or not. Most massage chairs often come with removable upholstery, which helps isolate the necessary areas and allow you to clean them efficiently and effectively.

Synthetic Leather Upholstery

Synthetic leather is anti-bacterial and soil resistant, however that does not mean it doesn’t need regular cleaning. In order to properly maintain you synthetic leather covered chair, we recommend regularly dusting and wiping down the surface of the chair with a clean, damp cloth. If you chair becomes dirty to the point that it needs soap, use a solution of half soap and half water on a slightly dampened cloth or sponge. After wiping your chair down, allow time for the chair to fully dry before using. Please note that perspiration, body oil, hair gel, and lotions will have an impact on the finish of synthetic leather and can even damage it if not removed weekly. 

Synthetic leather is soil resistant and liquids such as coffee or tea should not stain your chair unless they are allowed to soak for a long time. You can remove most common stains with a the mild soap and water solution referenced above. Never use harsh detergents, cleaners or aerosol sprays. Always allow the areas you have cleaned to dry before wiping with a soft, dry cloth.

Kahuna Massage Chair LM6800 Recliner

Leather Upholstery

With the proper attention and care, your leather massage chair will maintain its beauty for many years to come. To care for you chair, we recommend regular cleaning with a vacuum and dusting with a soft clean cloth. Do not leave newspapers, magazines, or any printed materials on upholstered furniture as the ink could leave permanent marks. While leather is much stronger than fabric, it can still be scarred and punctured. Thus, please take extra caution with sharp instruments and family pets as their claws can cause damage.

If you do have a spill on your leather chair, use a soft, absorbent cloth and attend to it quickly. Make sure to use a blotting technique on the stain rather than rubbing or scrubbing. For general cleaning and deeper cleaning, use a solution of half mild soap and half water on a slightly dampened cloth or sponge. As you gently clean the leather with this solution, you should work up a foam. Do not excessively scrub or rub. When you are done, blot any remaining soap residue with a clean, damp, cloth. Blot with a separate clean cloth until dry.

With leather chairs specifically, we recommend that owners store the massage chair in an area that does not receive direct sunlight. While it may be extra relaxing to receive a massage while the sun warms the room, most massage chairs are not meant for use under the sun. Exposure for long periods of time may cause the upholstery to lose color or crack.

Knit Trim Upholstery

If you have a stain that was caused by liquor, wine, soda, tea, or milk: use a dry, clean cloth to remove anything that has not been absorbed. Dampen the stain with warm water and rub gently with a gentle soap. Rinse thoroughly and allow to dry. Once the area is completely dry, brush the fabric with a soft bristled brush.

Massage Chair Covers

In addition to the best practices mentioned above, in order to truly extend the lifetime of your chair, we recommend purchasing a massage chair cover. Most people will not go to this length to preserve their investment, but it can have a lasting impact one the lifespan of your personal, at-home masseuse. 

Additional Recommendations

  • Avoid eating or drinking in the chair
  • Avoid having pets on or around your chair
  • Store your chair in a room that is not in direct sunlight
  • Regularly use your chair to ensure all moving parts receive attention
  • Abide by the weight limits of your chair
  • If chair is not functioning properly or making noise, stop use immediately and address issue
  • Don’t use household cleaning chemicals on your chair
  • Wipe down and vacuum regularly
  • Treat your chair like an investment. The better you treat it, the longer you will be able to enjoy it!


If your chair has been damaged or stained to a point that it cannot be cleaned or repaired in your home, please consult your warranty. While most massage chair warranties will not cover cosmetic damage, all warranties are different and should be consulted prior to contacting the manufacturer.