Traveling is stressful on both your mind and your body. Not only does it cause anxiety for most people as it takes them out of their normal routine, but its also exhausting. Say you have to lug your 50 pound suitcase down the stairs and into a car, sit in traffic for 30 minutes, sit at your gate for an hour, and then sit on a plane for a 3-hour flight followed by a 30 minute ride to your destination. Not only will you be downright exhausted, you’ll likely be sore and jet-lagged as well. As you unpack your suitcase you’re probably longing for your massage gun and could be left wondering, “How can I travel with my massage gun?”.
Or maybe you’re just going on a road trip and get to be stuck in the back seat for 8 hours. That is sure to leave you with some sore knees and a kink in your neck or back.
Using a massage gun before, during, or after a long-haul flight or road trip could reap great benefits to you and your bodies’ well being. When flying, sitting for long periods of time at altitude your blood can start to pool in your feet and leave you feeling lethargic when you get back onto the ground. Using a massage gun can help rejuvenate your body, increase blood flow and relieve any stresses that have developed throughout your travels.
If you’re considering traveling with your massage gun, we’ve outlined a few tips to keep in mind to make your trip as smooth as possible.
Flying and TSA Compliance
If you are considering bringing your massage gun on a flight with you, have no fear, you will certainly be able to. However, you’ll need to be sure you are abiding by TSA rules and regulations. The main concern with any massage device is going to come down to the lithium-ion batteries that power most of these devices.

According to the TSA website,
lithium batteries with more than 100 watt hours may be allowed in carry-on bags with airline approval, but are limited to two spare batteries per passenger. Loose lithium batteries are prohibited in checked bags. For more information, see the FAA regulations on batteries.
You will need to be mindful of this as you pack and make the decision if you have enough room in your carry-on. As some devices have removable batteries, you may be able to pack your device in your checked bag and only bring the batteries with you on the plane in your carry-on. Remember, if the airline offers to gate check your carry-on or it doesn’t fit, you’ll need to remove your batteries before they take your bag into the luggage compartment below.
The great thing about most devices is that they offer a carrying case or carrying pouch for the massager and attachments. So, if you do need to pull it out of a suitcase or carry-on quickly, it should be a relatively seamless and easy process.
If you are unsure about anything relating directly to the massage gun you own, it is always recommended to check with the manufacturer as well. As you are going through security, TSA may be unfamiliar with the device so it could be useful to have the manufacturers website available to share. Below we have included some of the text from a few of the major companies.
When traveling with your G3PRO, Lithium-ion batteries must be stored in carry-on baggage only. When a carry-on bag is checked at the gate, all Lithium batteries must be removed from the bag and kept with the passenger in the aircraft cabin.
Since the Theragun G3 and liv devices have a built-in Lithium-ion battery, it must be stored in your carry-on baggage only.
While you are able to travel with your Theragun device and accessories in your carry-on luggage, it is at the discretion of the TSA officer to allow it through.
The Hyperice team simply lists their devices as TSA approved for carry-on only.
We were unable to locate anything on TimTam’s website, but given they have a removable lithium-ion battery in their massage guns, you should be okay with the entire device or just the battery in your carry-on.
Once again, we were unable to find anything on Jawku’s website pertaining to flying, but traveler be warned, the device’s battery is not removable so you will need to carry-on the entire device.
Road Tripping with a Massage Gun
If you are going on a long road-trip your massage gun just might be the best possible travel companion. Fortunately, unlike flying, there aren’t any rules or regulations you need to worry about. However, you should keep in mind that you’ll likely want to bring everything in it’s carrying case or carrying pouch so you’re not having to crawl under the seats to find your attachments. Also, please be mindful of your fellow passengers. If you have an older massage device such as the Theragun G2pro or the TimTam Power Massager V1.5, the noise might drive everyone nuts in confined quarters!