What Is A Theragun?
TheraGun’s G2PRO is arguably the most popular and well-known massage gun currently on the market. So what changes has TheraGun made to the next generation of this device – The TheraGun G3Pro?
What’s New On The Theragun G3Pro?
For starters, the most notable improvement is the noise level. While there’s not much information out yet on this aspect of the device, TheraGun Founder Jason Wersland claims the G3PRO will be fifty percent quieter. Their proprietary gearbox has been re-designed to drastically reduce the noise of the powerful motor.
Outside of the operating volume, the next notable upgrade is the battery life. The battery life of the G2PRO was around 40-45 minutes. However, the battery life of the TheraGun G3PRO is expected to span to 75 minutes, which greatly improves the appeal of this massage gun. It will once again come with 2 batteries to allow users to seamlessly continue massaging without the need to wait for a single battery to charge.
The next improvement they’ve added is a second speed function. The predecessor to the G3PRO was only a single speed unit. This will allow the user to adjust speeds for tender areas or provide an increased speed for problem areas. The two functions will operate at 1750 RPMs and 2400 RPMs, respectively.
TheraGun has also given users 2 additional attachments, taking the previous number of 4 up to 6. The Wedge and Thumb attachments have been added to the arsenal. The Wedge is designed for scraping, targeting the shoulder blades, or IT bands. The Thumb is designed to target the lower back and be used for trigger point therapy.
It does appear that the Thera Gun G3PRO may offer some extended adjustability for a full-body reach to those hard to get areas. Whereas, the G2PRO allowed users to massage at 4 pre-set angles. With the G3Pro, users can reach 90% of the body with the rotating arm and ergonomic hand for full body recovery.With the above improvements, users can expect a few steps back in some other areas. While the amplitude and RPMs will not change, remaining at 16mm and a maximum of 2,400 RPMs, respectively, they have listed the stall force at 60 pounds which is 20 pounds less than the 80 pound force of the G2PRO. Users can also expect their arm to get a little bit more of a workout as the TheraGun G3PRO comes in at 1.4 ounces heavier, which shouldn’t really be noticed. Overall, the product has had a complete design overhaul, with very minimal compromise to it’s function.
What Are The G3Pro Specifications?
The G3PRO will boast an amplitude of 16mm, a stall force of 60 pounds and offer varrying percussion speeds ranging from 1,750 to 2,400 RPMs. The exterior frame will be made of professional grade plastic and the internals will feature an industrial grade Japanese motor. The massage gun will be powered by a 2x Samsung Lithium-ion 4 cell, 2.5 amp battery. The G3PRO will have an improved battery life of 75 minutes, and it will come with TWO of these batteries for added battery life. The overall weight of the massage gun will be just under 3 pounds. It will also come with SIX attachment heads.
What’s Included With The TheraGun G3Pro? (Theragun Attachments)

- G3PRO Massage Gun
- Travel Case
- 2 Lithium-ion Batteries
- Attachment Pouch
- Lithium-ion Battery Charger
- 6 physician-designed attachment heads
- Dampener – tender areas or near bones
- Large Ball – large muscle groups
- Standard Ball – overall use
- Wedge – for scraping, shoulder blades or IT bands
- Thumb – lower back and trigger point therapy
- Cone – pinpoint muscle treatment
How Portable is the G3Pro?
The G3Pro is relatively light weight (under 3 pounds) and comes in a decently compact size. The device can easily be transported in a backpack, small purse, or gym bag to take to the gym or office. Also, with the convenient carrying case, it makes it easy to bring all the accessories with your device wherever you are traveling to.
In terms of flying with your G3Pro percussion massager, here is what the TheraGun website has to say:
When traveling with your Theragun, lithium-ion batteries must be stored in carry-on baggage only. When a carry-on bag is checked at the gate, all lithium batteries must be removed from the bag and kept with the passenger in the aircraft cabin.
While you are able to travel with your Theragun unit and accessories in your carry on luggage, it is at the discretion of the TSA officer if they will allow this through. Please feel free to share our website and social media with them if they are unfamiliar with our device.
We do recommend that your Theragun unit and other accessories (charging station, etc.) is kept in your checked luggage, especially when traveling internationally.
Possible Benefits of Using a Percussion Massager
- Total body recovery in 15 minutes
- Promotes overall range of motion
- Accelerate warm-up and recovery by targeting each muscle group for 15 seconds
- Target each muscle group for 2 minutes to decrease post-workout soreness
- Prevents and breaks up adhesions
- Improves muscle coordination and mobility to prevent injury
- Natural, pill-free pain relief
- Relieves muscle spasms and replenishes energy through more hydrated muscles
- Better sleep
- Promotes better posture and body awareness
- Relieves body soreness from travel and jet-lag
- Replaces stretching in your daily routine
Designed for professionals, made for everybody. TheraGun wants to change the way you move! The G3PRO is the next generation of TheraGun’s popular G2PRO model.
Theragun Military Discount
Theragun is committed to supporting those who serve. They offer a discount to any military, veterans or first responders. To learn more about Theragun’s military discount program, please email them at info@theragun.com with your military ID or any proof of service to receive your own personal discount code before placing an order. When you email them, please be sure to denote in the subject line: ‘Military Code Request’ or ‘First Responder Code Request’.
Theragun Customer Service
Theragun has a fantastic customer service team. If you have additional questions about any of their devices and you didn’t find your answer on our site, consider reaching out to Theragun customer service here.
Theragun Video
What’s up everybody? Patrick with Best Massage Tech here today to review the TheraGun G3 Pro, which is a percussive therapy device, percussion massager, massage gun. It is the third generation of the TheraGun, hence the name G3 Pro. The TheraGun G2, arguably the most popular massage gun on the market, TheraGun has announced quite a few improvements to that device in this next generation.
I have used the device but I figured I would leave it in the box so I could show you what it all comes like. But let’s take a look at what comes with it. So the box itself is pretty heavy, there’s a lot of good things in here.
First thing you see is some paperwork, you’ve got a note from the founder, Jason Wersland. The note just says, ‘My story began in 2007 when I had a bad injury in a motorcycle accident, necessity became the mother of invention and I created the first TheraGun to help deal with my pain. My life changed the day I used percussive therapy, the relief I felt was overwhelming and I knew I had to share it with others. I’ve heard from people all around the world how TheraGun has helped them and I’d love to hear your story, too.’
And he includes his email, djw@theragun.com. I don’t know anything about TheraGun’s customer service, but that’s pretty cool that the founder’s leaving his email in there. And then we’ve got some instruction manual, they do have an app now, which I have not checked out but I understand it’s got some videos on how to use the device. If it is your first time using a massage gun, I would recommend reading through these instructions. It’s not mine, we’re going to go ahead and toss that to the side.Best Massage Tech’s YouTube channel
Next in the box is a case, the case does come with a handle. It’s got two zippers with some silicon rubber on them, good grip. I’d say the case itself is probably about a foot long by maybe ten inches high. The material of the case is kind of like a fabric material. It’s very solid feeling. You know you’re not going to be able to dent the sides or edges of it.
But I’m going to set this aside just because I do know that there are some other items in the bottom of the box. There is kind of like a hidden compartment in the bottom of the box, so if we remove this false base from it, we’ll see in the bottom we have our charge and our attachment heads, so, it comes with a base charger for the battery itself. It also comes with the AC wall charger, so you’d plug this into the wall and then this end into the base charger and then just plug the battery in there. It does light up once the battery’s in there.
And then we’ve got kind of a little carry case for the attachment heads themselves. Carry case, again, has the silicon rubber on the zipper. Just really convenient so you don’t loose all your attachments. You know, while this does come in the bottom of the box like this, these items do fit inside the case. Don’t think that you’re going to have to find a different way to carry these other pieces of your massage gun.
Let’s actually take a look at the balls that come with it, the attachment heads. So it does come with six attachments which is an improvement from the G2 Pro. The G2 Pro came with four, but the attachments this one comes with are dampener, a large ball, a standard ball, a wedge, a thumb, little round one, and a cone that I just dropped on the floor. Cone right here. So, six attachments.
Let’s take a look inside the case, see what we get inside the case here. Inside the case we’ve got two batteries and the massage gun itself. What’s unique to TheraGun is that their devices do come with two batteries. Which is convenient because it allows you to, in essence, massage continuously. As one battery dies, you can just pop a fully-charged battery in to replace it. It is recommended that you fully charge the battery before using it the first time.
Another improvement that TheraGun’s made is these two batteries have a battery life of about 75 minutes, the battery life for the G2 Pro batteries were about 40 to 45 minutes, so almost double the battery life which is really, really nice here.
You’ve got a compartment here, this is where the battery goes that I mentioned early and then you’re kind of attachment heads just fit up here.
You’ve got the gun itself, with the gun, I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to take the standard ball attachment. It’s really, really easy to put the attachments on. If you see on the head of the gun, there’s kind of some little ball bearings on there, the bottom of the attachment, there’s two little holes that line up with those and you just press it on. It clicks on, once it’s on it’s on solid so I can hold this and it’s not going to come off.
If you want to take it off, you just pull a little bit harder and it does pop off, so really nice, you don’t have to worry about those coming off. The material of these attachments, you know I would describe it as a firm stress ball. It’s not fully solid, it’s not fully soft but it is a good nice material.
The one thing that I love about this gun itself is how cool it looks. You know, just very, very futuristic looking. It does look like what you expect when you expect the next model of something, you know, change the look of it a little bit.
The battery does go in the bottom of it, so let me grab one of the batteries out of the case here. I mentioned we got the base charger, so you plug that into the wall. The battery just sits in it. Once it’s charged, pull it off the battery and it just pops in the bottom, almost like the magazine of a gun itself. Just pops in and it clicks in once it’s in. When you need to remove it, there’s just a little button here, you slide it and it pops right out really easily.
Once the battery is in, and the machine is on … You probably can’t see it on here that well, but there is a little lighting strip on the handle on both sides of it. When it’s on, that lights up to indicate the battery level. There’s six different lights on there. You’ve got the power switch is on the back. Just press right here for the power.
This gun is a two-speed gun. So different from the G2 Pro, which was only one speed. The G3 Pro, it’s got two levels. First level is about one-thousand 750 RPMs, the second level is about two-thousand 400 RMPs. That two-thousand 400 is what the RMPs of the G2 Pro were. But this does light up, you know, once you’ve got it on. It is adjustable, similar to the G2 Pro.
But what’s difficult with the G3 Pro is you do have to kinda push pretty hard to get it to adjust. There is quite a bit of resistance to this, so you know, I’m pushing pretty hard to get this to move here. So that’s a little bit difficult, but again it is adjustable if you want to get some different angles for maybe getting different parts of your back or hard to reach places.
The stall force of this, so what stall force is, is the amount of force you can push against it before it’s going to stall or come to a stop. So the stall force for this is 60 pounds, which is a little bit of a decrease from the G2 Pro, where that stall force was 80 pounds. However, what I really do like about the TheraGuns is that stall force is pretty high. I personally like aggressive massage, and I like to be able to push in and find knots and trigger points and really push into ’em. I know I can use this device and it’s not going to stop, no matter, you know … assuming I can’t push harder than 60 pounds on it.
I’m sure I could, but you know, for what I’m doing, I don’t think that’s going to happen. So I really do like that you can get really aggressive with it, the amplitude of it. So the distance that the head moves from the massage gun itself is 16 millimeters, so that’s the same as the G2 Pro. And, again, the battery life is quite a bit longer than the other one.
Now, before I turn it on I just do want to talk about one thing. Probably the most heavily-advertised piece of this new massage gun is the noise level. TheraGun boasted and boasted that the noise level was 50 percent quieter than the G2 Pro. I’ve tested this against a decibel meter, I completely disagree. It is not 50 percent quieter than the G2 Pro. It is quieter, though. Just not 50 percent, so.
Before I turn it on here, just as comparison, I do want you to hear the G2 Pro. Just so you can kinda have a reference point. You won’t be able to hear me talk over this, so I’m not going to try to. But I just want to turn it on so you can hear how loud that is. So that’s that.
When you turn the G3 Pro on, I’m going to press this button on the back, it’s going to turn on the level one. So it is quieter, you can hear me talking over it. The biggest criticism of it was the noise of the G2 Pro, so they’ve made a big improvement here, you know. You can comfortably take this into a more public setting such as a gym or office, but it’s still not as quiet as I’d like it to be.
I’m going to put on level two here, just so you can hear level two. You can still hear me over level two. It’s certainly not this. Again, there is a big improvement there, it’s just not 50 percent quieter. I’ve definitely used quieter massage guns. I know a lot of people always ask questions on how the G3 Pro compares to the Hypervolt. So I do have the Hypervolt here, as well. Just again for a sound comparison.
I’ll put the Hypervolt on highest speed setting right here. So, you know, it is quieter. This is about 10 decibels quieter than this. Side by side you probably won’t be able to hear much of a difference. But I’ll turn this one on level two, as well.
It’s not as quiet as the Hypervolt, which I think is currently the quietest massage gun on the market, but it is still a really nice device. It is, you know, all things considered, my new favorite massage gun on the market.
Again, it’s just really solid. I like how aggressive I can get with it. You know, if I were to provide some criticisms of it, it is heavy. The heaviest massage gun I’ve used. The adjustment of it, is you have to put some pressure on it. It’s still pretty loud, and then the price.
It’s up there. When you’re looking at buying something, you know, it does everything you want it to do, but that price tag is still pretty high. Hopefully as times goes on, some of its competitors catch up, that price tag’ll drop. But that does conclude the review of the TheraGun G3 Pro.