Percussive therapy has recently become very popular due to the rise in prominence of massage guns such as TheraGun, TimTam, and Hypervolt. This rise in popularity is heavily due to online and social media marketing, which utilize slow-motion videos of the devices in use, as well as popular celebrity endorsements by professional athletes. While many professional athletes do utilize these types of percussion massagers, there is another form outside of the massage gun, that is equally popular.
Percussion massagers in the form of a wand have been around for years and carry a good amount of popularity in their own right. The popularity of these types of devices isn’t due to their online presence, however, it is primarily due to their fantastic price when compared the high-end massage guns. At about half the price (or even more), some of these devices are among the most popular massage devices on Amazon. The Purewave CM-07 Percussion Massager by PADO is one of those popular devices.
Below we take a look at what makes the Purewave CM07 the choice for many online shoppers looking to put full-body relief in their own hands!
Purewave CM-7 Specificiations
- 16.5 x 2.8 x 3.5 inches
- 1.75 pounds
- Cordless
- 7.2V Lithium-Ion Battery
- Dual Motor Design
- Percussion (1,500-3,700 RPM)
- Vibration (up to 11,000 RPM)
- Available in Black or White
- 5 available attachment heads
Speed and Power of the Purewave CM7
The most unique feature of the Purewave CM7 Percussion and Vibration Massagers is that it features both a percussion massaging end and a facial vibration massaging end. Each end of this device offers it’s own form of relief and can provide that relief in varying levels of speed and power.
The large end of the massager is where the percussion massaging feature is housed. The percussion massager portion of the device has a variable speed setting, which allows it to massage between 1,500 RPMs – 3,700 RPMs.
The smaller end, typically utilized as the handle for the larger end, houses a small vibration feature designed to be used specifically for facial massage. This end of the device does not move in the way that the larger end does, but it still does offer a small amount of movement. This end of the device can get all the way up to 11,000 RPMs to provide a very satisfying vibration massage.
Versatility and Portability of the Purewave CM7
In terms of versatility and portability, it’s no surprise that the Purewave CM-7 ranks high in both categories.
With both percussive and vibration massage capabilities, this massager is one of the most versatile handheld massagers on the market. Most competitors to this device only offer one or the other, but not both. The percussion massager has a speed dial, which lets you dial back the intensity, to treat sore tendons and joints. The speed dial allows the massage to provide percussions ranging from 1,500 percussions per minute all the way up to 3,700 percussion per minute for a deep and intense massage. Additionally, with the variety of attachments that are included, the device makes it comfortable to massage any area of your body. Not only can you massage all areas of your body, but they are easy to reach as well as the device has a slight curve design to make it easier to reach the hard to get spots on your back and legs.
Measuring in at just slightly past a foot long and under 3 pounds, this is a device that users can really take anywhere. With it’s sleek and slender design, it can easily be used with one hand by anyone that’s able to lift a pair of shoes. With the convenience of being a cordless massager, the Purewave CM-07 can easily packed for travel in a gym bag for a short commute, or a carry-on for a cross country trek.
What’s included with the Purewave Massager?
When unboxing the Purewave CM7 Percussion Massager, buyers will find the following items inside the box:

- CM7 massager with percussion and vibration massager capabilities
- 6 available attachments, or sticks
- Six-head stick
- Great for use on the hamstrings, thighs, calves, lower back, hips or glutes
- Air-cusion stick
- Intended for use along bony areas as well as the lower back, soles of the feet, shoulders or neck
- Point stick
- Great for trigger point relief in areas of the lower back, soles of the feet, shoulders or neck
- Body massage oil stick
- Designed specifically for massaging essential oils or pain creams into hard to reach spots, such as the middle and lower back.
- Scalp massage stick
- Great for the scalp, temples and upper back
- Facial massage stick
- Perfect for use throughout the face to help revitalizing facial skin. Can be used to massage cleansers, toners and creams into the face. Also great for users with jaw pain related to TMJ.
- Six-head stick
- Charger
- Stand
How Do You Attach The Purewave Sticks?
The six attachments that come with the Purewave CM-07 all attach in various ways, but once attached remain stable and in place. The six-head, air cushion, and point stick all attach by twisting on to the threaded neck of the percussion massager end. Simply twist the stick clockwise until it becomes attached. The body massage oil stick and the scalp massage stick both attach to the perscussion massager end simply by pressing them on over the threaded neck (the body oil massage stick can also be attached to the vibration massager portion in the same manner). Lastly, the facial massage stick presses on to the small plastic head on the vibration end of the Purewave handle.
Battery Life of the Purewave CM7
The massager battery ships at a partially charged state (due to shipping regulations). Since the battery is not fully charged out of the package, you will need to fully charge it before first time use. The first charge usually takes the longest and can take between 1 to 2 hours. After the initial charge, recharging is quicker – usually around an hour. To preserve the lifetime of the built-in battery, it is recommended that you don’t let the battery fully discharge and go dead. To prevent full discharge, be sure to your massager is charged between uses. PADO estimates the life of the battery to be able to run continuously for 3 hours or estimates it can last about a week with 20-30 minutes of use each day.
Benefits of using the Purewave CM-7 Percussion Massager
The Purewave CM7 melts away muscle and tendon pain with a healing touch. The percussion head can penetrate deep into sore muscle tissue to relieve pain and increase muscle recovery.
- Dissolves painful muscle knots and adhesions
- Improves circulation
- Speeds up muscle recovery
- Breaks down scar tissue
- Soothes inflamed joints and tendons
- Relieves tension in the jaw and temples
What’s The Difference Between The Purewave CM5 and Purewave CM7?
While the Purewave CM5 and CM7 may appear to be very similar products, there are some minor differences between the two. The Purewave CM5 is the percussion only motor and comes within 3 attachments (point stick, air-cushion stick, 6-head stick). Alternatively, the Purewave CM7 has both the percussion motor and the special facial vibration motor, which is built into the end on handle. The Purewave CM7 includes the same attachments as the CM5, but includes 3 additional attachments.
Out of the box, the PUREWAVE CM7 comes with everything you need to massage at home or on the go. You’ll see I have the actual device here in my hands. It is a pretty unique design in terms that it’s more of a wand shape. It does also come with a travel pouch that you can carry the device in. It comes with a charging cord to charge the device. You just insert the cord in the backside of the massager and plug it into the wall. It does come with six different attachment heads and it comes with a convenient storage rack that maybe if you have a home gym or somewhere in your home that you just want to keep everything in one spot, it is convenient that it comes with that stand.
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The device itself, they call it the CM7, which stands for cordless massager. It is a percussion massager. What a percussion massage means is that the head that is going to be doing the massaging is actually going to percuss away from the body of the device. PUREWAVE doesn’t publish what the amplitude of this device is, which would be the distance that the head moves away, but I would estimate that to be between three and four millimeters.
Those of you that have seen any of my other videos, you might have heard me mentioned the term stall force, which is the amount of pressure that can be applied to the area you’re massaging before the motor is going to stall out. Again, it’s not published anywhere that I’ve been able to find, but I would estimate the stall force of this device to be around 40 pounds. So what that means is with a little bit of pressure above 40 pounds, the motor is going to stop and stall.
It is a variable speed device. A lot of other massagers have fixed speeds that you can set. This massager works on a variable scale in that it’s a dial. So to turn the device on, you just move the dial. You’ll see on the lowest level, that’s what I meant with the head percussing away from it. At the lowest speed, you’re going to be about 1,500 percussions per minute, and then to go up to the highest speed, you just turn the dial up. At its highest speed, we’re at about 3,700 percussions per minute.
Now, what’s unique about this device is not only do we have the main massaging end, but on the handle, there’s an attachment for a facial massage, so this part of the massager does not actually percuss away. It just works off the vibrations of the handle, but at full speed you’re going to have 11,000 percussions per minute going through this, which is really nice for a gentle facial massage if you want to use it on maybe a sore jaw or something else up on your head.
The battery on this device is built in and rechargeable. At a full charge, you’re going to get about three hours of use dependent on what speed you’re using it at. The noise level on it, you would have heard that when I was just close to the mic there, but on the low end we’re going to be about 45 decibels, on the high end just shy of 70 decibels, so you can easily use it in a public setting and you’re not going to really interrupt anybody.
It does come with six different attachment heads. PUREWAVE calls these attachments sticks. So on the main part of the massage device, these attachments actually are threaded and screw on very easily so you don’t need to worry about them coming off. This is the air-cushion stick that I’m going to leave on the device, and on the other end is the facial massage stick. Then the other attachments that it comes with is the six-head stick, which does just screw on. It is made of hard plastic. We also have the point stick, which is again made out of a hard plastic and screws on.
Then there’s two more silicone attachments that actually do not screw on. They just slip over the threaded tip on it, but this is the scalp massage stick, excuse my voice there, and the body oil stick, which is just kind of a disk. What the body massage oil stick is for is for anybody that might need to be massaging with lotion or maybe a warming gel. Not only can you spread that lotion or gel around, but you can also massage the area that you’re looking to use it on. Great for maybe a physical therapist or somebody that might be looking to use some sort of massaging oil with the device.
The device does not adjust at all, so you’re looking at one fixed angle. Really whatever way that you’re able to move the device is going to be the only angle that you’d be able to massage with. It is very light at 1.75 pounds. You can very easily maneuver it with one hand. It does not come with a true travel case. However, it does come with this pouch.
The price point of this device is going to be on the lower end in terms of percussion massagers, but what I will say a lot of the percussion massagers that it’s going to be compared to are more commonly referred to as massage guns, and those devices are going to pack a lot more punch simply by the fact that their amplitude of the percussion is going to be much greater. Most massage guns are about 16 millimeters for that percussion, so it’s going to be about four times the movement of this device.