Massage Gun vs Foam Rolling

A Massage gun and a foam roller are both sports recovery products. These tools can be used as part of an athlete’s warm-up and recovery collection. If you are in pain due to extensive training or are currently healing from an injury, having any of these two (or both) can be a blessing.

What Is A Massage Gun?

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A massage gun looks like a power tool. It also comes with a whirring sound, like a power tool. Many of the first generations of these devices were just as loud as power tools as well. However, most of the newer models of massage guns utilize brush-less motors, which allows them to operate at a much quieter volume. Most of the newer models can comfortably be used in public settings and not be distracting to those around you.

When massage guns were first introduced, they were utilized to promote blood flow while helping the muscle relax. They are also used to relieve pain by helping your nerves stay more relaxed and healthier. The same is true today as many athletes, both everyday and professional, are utilizing these tools to promote blood flow and enhance their mobility, flexibility, and recovery.

History Of Massage Guns

The massage gun was first introduced to the market in 2008. The concept of a percussion massager in a “gun” shape was developed by Jason Werseland, a chiropractor from Los Angeles. It was marketed under TheraGun and was used by Werseland to treat his back pain (from a motorcycle accident).

Today, the massage gun has penetrated the market and has become popular among all levels of athletes and non-athletes. This newer generation of massage guns is quieter and more powerful. The look of the massage gun has become more appealing and they have fundamentally become easier to use and boast many different features.

How Do You Use A Massage Gun?

To use a massage gun, just turn the power on. Place it’s attachment head on top of the painful nerve or muscle. The device should be moved along the length of the muscle area you are targeting. You don’t have to put force or press hard on the massage gun. The gun alone and it’s pulsating power will do the job and reduce the soreness and stiffness of your muscles. For those looking for a deeper, more aggressive massage, additional force can be applied. If this is something you might be interested in, we encourage you to learn more about massage gun stall force.

What Is A Foam Roller?

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A foam roller is a recovery tool used for deep tissue massage. If you are recovering from a sports accident and are in pain, a foam roller can be helpful to release painful knots and stimulate blood flow. It assists with what is commonly referred to as myofascial release.

A foam roller is a cylindrical tube made of compressed foam. These rollers are typically lightweight and come available in many different sizes and firmness. Often times, the degree of firmness is associated with how aggressive you can get with the roller. If you will be using a foam roller for the first time, most therapists and trainers recommend starting with a softer roller and working your way up in firmness based on pain tolerance.

History Of Foam Rollers

The idea of a foam roller to reduce pain was thought by r. Moshe Feldenkrais. He used it to reduce pain from his knee injury. In 1970, the foam roller was introduced in the United States and in the two decades since then, it has been marketed as a popular recovery tool for athletes of all kinds.

Foam rollers have remained largely the same over the past two decades, only varying in the materials they were produced from. Until recently, these devices were all “self-powered”, however in recent years there has been an influx of devices that have incorporated a technological aspect into them. Devices such as vibrating foam rollers and vibrating massage balls have become very popular. These vibrating foam rollers seek to incorporate vibrational therapy into the myofascial release process.

How Do You Use A Foam Roller?

To use a foam roller, put it under the area you wish to target. You can use a yoga mat to sit on or lie on while using it. Once it is underneath you, slowly roll over the stiff area of your body above the foam roller. This process is called ‘myofascial release’ or the process of releasing pain through different trigger points. You want to move slowly over the desired area.

Unlike a massage gun, you will need to move around to use a foam roller. Roll on top of it to massage your knotted and tight muscles. Move systematically from one end of the muscle tissue to the other. For beginners, have someone available that has used a foam roller before to show you how to use it correctly.

What Are The Benefits Of Foam Rollers And Massage Guns?

A foam roller and a massage gun are both used in different ways, but with similar effects. Both tools can relieve stiff muscles and nerves, reduce soreness and inflammation and improve the joints’ and muscles range of motion. Here are the benefits of using these sports recovery tools:

  • Reduce muscle pain – muscle pain due to inflammation is reduced when the blood flow is increased in the inflamed area. Foam rolling and using a massage gun can squeeze the “old” blood from your tissues and replace it with fresh blood. They both help keep your fluids moving.
  • Increase your joint’s range of motion – as an athlete, you need to be flexible with a wide range of motion. This is something that you can improve with a foam roller. Foam rolling, along with stretching, is known to improve range of motion. This is the same effect that a massage gun produces as it relaxes your nerves and muscles. When in a relaxed state, you can stretch your muscles without force.
  • Enhance muscle responsiveness – massage gun and foam roller don’t just help your muscles and tissues recover, usage of these two also enhances muscle responsiveness. These tools improve blood flow and with regular blood flow into your muscles and nerves, you can experience continuous muscle responsiveness
  • Reduces incident of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) – due to the strain of regular exercise and training, athletes suffer from Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). The occurrence of DOMS is significantly reduced by having a regular massage with a massage gun or by using a foam roller regularly
  • It accelerates muscular recovery – athletes love massage guns and foam rollers because these tools accelerate muscular recovery and allow them to get back into action quicker and feeling more alert.

When To Use a Foam Roller Or Massage Gun?

A foam roller or a massage gun is used in two ways – as part of an athlete’s warm-up routine and/or as part of an injury / recovery management plan.

Using A Massage Gun or Foam Roller As Part Of A Pre-Workout Routine

Using a massage gun or foam roller during as a part of your warm-up exercise can increase your tissue elasticity. The use of these tools will also help your blood flow more smoothly into your nerves and muscles. If your muscles are loose and the blood is flowing continuously, your risk of having a sports injury, in theory, will be lessened. It could mean fewer cramps and muscle spasms, regardless of how tired your muscles are.

If you are using these tools as part of your pre-workout regimen, you can use it with any parts of your body in which you intend to be active.

Using A Massage Gun or Foam Roller As Part Of A Post-Workout Routine

When foam rollers and massage guns were first introduced, they were meant to help muscles and nerves to recover. If you are using these tools for recovery, you have to focus on the injured or exhausted muscle or nerve. Adding extra emphasis and time on the affected body part is a must. It means giving more massage time to these parts.

The use of massage gun or foam roller helps increase the oxygen level of your sore or inflamed muscles through increased blood flow. With increased oxygen, you can experience faster recovery time. By using a foam roller or a massage gun, you can easily enjoy a good sports massage without leaving your home.

Which One Is Better – Massage Gun or Foam Roller?

When it comes to the best warm-up and recovery tool, you can either have a massage gun or a foam roller. Both tools have similar benefits and are both easy to use. The only main difference is that a massage gun is automatic while with a foam roller, you have to manually roll over it to reap its benefits.

Massage guns are significantly more expensive than foam rollers. Most massage guns can range in the hundreds of dollars, whereas most foam rollers can be found for under a hundred. If you are budget conscious, you may want to start with just a foam roller to see if it meets your needs.